Registering Your Trademark Internationally
For companies that only do business in one country, trademark protections are usually easy to understand. Here in the United States, trademarks are issued and governed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
But increasingly, companies are doing business with customers around the world and are looking to protect their branding information no matter where those customers are located. Because each country has its own trademark laws and registration systems, the process of applying for separate trademarks individually would be time-consuming and frustrating. Thankfully, there is an easier way: An agreement known as the Madrid Protocol.
The Madrid Protocol: What It Is And How It Works
In 2003, the United States became a signatory to the “The Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks,” commonly called the Madrid Protocol. Under the treaty, a trademark holder in any participating country can file a single international application to have the trademark recognized and enforced by all other participating countries. Each nation will decide the merits of each application on its own, but the person or company seeking the international trademark will only need to file one application.
Although the process has been greatly simplified, it is still a good idea to work with an experienced attorney when seeking international trademark registration. The lawyers at our firm regularly help U.S. and foreign businesses protect their intellectual property around the world using the Madrid Protocol and other important legal tools.
Contact Us To Learn More In A Free Initial Consultation
The law offices of Kenneth I. Gross are located in Los Angeles and Rosemead. We proudly serve clients throughout California, the United States and the world. To learn more about how we can help your business, call us at 213-784-4232 or toll-free at 866-634-2816. You can also reach us via email.