Legal Support For Wage And Hour Disputes
Kenneth I. Gross & Associates offers representation to plaintiffs and businesses in wage and hour disputes throughout Southern California. These disputes often arise from issues involving:
- Unpaid or denied overtime pay
- Minimum wage violations
- Misclassification of employee status (exempt vs. nonexempt, independent contractors, etc.)
- Meal and rest breaks
- Reimbursement for business-related expenses
We invite businesses or employees to schedule a free initial consultation with our dispute resolution lawyers today. You may call our firm at 213-784-4232 (toll free at 866-634-2816).
Our firm is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and Taiwanese. 我們會講中文
Representation For California Employees
Large and small businesses are sometimes known to violate state and federal wage and hour laws, leaving employees to struggle as they attempt to recover compensation to which they are entitled.
Our attorneys work closely with employees who believe their rights have been violated. Employees deserve to be paid for the hours and overtime they put in, and they deserve to receive meal and rest breaks throughout the day. Not only do employees deserve these items, but employers are required to provide them by law.
We will work diligently to hold your employer accountable and to help you protect your rights as an employee. In addition, you should not feel as though filing a claim could come back to haunt you. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees for filing a wage and hour claim. Our office will be by your side throughout the process, especially if an employer threatens or engages in any unlawful activity following your case.
Representation For Employers
Our firm realizes that not all wage and hours claims brought by employees are justified. Employers have the right to protect their interests and offer evidence that no wage or hour violation occurred.
Many employers do not know all of the wage and hour rules they are required to comply with, nor do they know to handle a wage and hour claim when they are presented with one.
Wage and hour claims are complex. The burden of proving a specific claim will be different depending on the claim that is made. For example, employers who do not keep adequate records of their employee’s hours will have the burden of proving the employee didn’t work the hours that he or she is claiming to have worked. Employees hold the burden of proving differing statute of limitations times for different types of wage and hour claims.
Our representation of both plaintiffs and employers allows us to view each case from all angles, and whomever we represent will receive the dedicated, personalized and experienced litigation counsel they deserve.
Contact Our Lawyers For A Free Consultation
Please call our office to schedule a free initial consultation today whether you are an employee seeking advice or an employer who is facing a wage and hour dispute. You may call our Los Angeles or Rosemead office locations at 213-784-4232 (toll free at 866-634-2816) or you may contact us online.